現在満室 家賃5万円(管理費1.5)シェアハウス アーティストインレジデンス蛍 高速インターネット無料
Thank you for your interest in Artist-in-Residence “Hotaru”!
A fusion of Japanese and Western styles with ornaments from my grandmother’s aunt, who traveled around the world by boat, and Japanese Arita porcelain pottery abundantly scattered throughout.
The Artist-in-Residence “Hotaru” is:
Loving the old
Harmonizing with it in a new, stylish, modern feel.
We would be happy if we could work together to create an enjoyable place where we can connect with the community, nurture culture together, and coexist and co-prosper.
Please use this form to apply for a viewing or to apply to move in.
☆We are currently accepting applications for tenants (maximum capacity of 3 people)☆
We are currently accepting applications for 2 rooms!
Please note that we will stop accepting applications as soon as we reach capacity.
We will accept applications at any time when there are vacancies.
We will not use your personal information for any purpose other than those related to your stay at the Artist-in-Residence “Hotaru”.
For inquiries regarding Artist-in-Residence “Hotaru”, please contact the following address.
明和町 戸建 200万円 想定利回り36% ※月額家賃6万円 改修費含まず
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事業併用住宅として! 古民家カフェ SOHO 店舗等。。 西落合戸建
NEW!菅平別荘スノーリゾート 580万円
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成約済 価格20万円(非課税) 宮澤賢治が愛したイーハトーヴの大自然豊かな岩手県奥州市でアウトドアライフを♪
自然豊かな岩手県奥州市でアウトドアライフを楽しみませんか♪ 冬は越路スキー場でウインタースポーツを! 宮澤賢治が愛した種山高原星座の森でキャンプライフ・コテージ・スターウォッチング・植物観察・昆虫採取・バードウォッチング・森林浴を堪能できます!